Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog9- Page 35

If you could create a symbol for the main character in your IRB, what would it be and why?  Be sure to include specific examples from your book to support your choice. (Make the statement, proper nouns or numbers, and conclusion a different color.)
                             There is a symbol in the book I am reading called To Kill A Mocking Bird. The symbol that I would use to describe my main character is a mother bear. My main quaracter stands up for other people when they are being picked on. She has at least four times already. She stood up for a student in class that was very shy. She usually has common sense and protects people that don't have as much common sense. This is the symbol I would use to describe my main character, Scout.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog 11- Page 73;Chapter 8

Describe a subplot and explain how it related to the bigger plot in the story.  Remember to highlight your statement, proper nouns or numbers, and conclusion.

                                    There is a subplot in the book I am reading called To Kill A Mocking Bird. The subplot is that there is snow in Maycomb County. There hasn't been snow there since 1885. Since there hadn't been snow there in so long, the school had been called off. Scout and Jem decided that they would try to build a snow man out of the small amount of snow they had gotten. This is a subplot in the book I am reading.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog 10: How To Kill a Mockingbird

Do you relate to the main character in your book?  How is he or she like or not like you?  Compare and contrast the main character's life with yours.

                                                    I think I do relate to my character in my book, How To Kill a Mockingbird. My characer's name is Scout. She is sneaky and stands up for people. Scout is about seven or eight. She is scared sometimes, but still speaks up when she needs to. She has a protective older brother, but she annoys him sometimes just like I annoy my brother. My brother, Nick, is also very protective of me, but gets mad at me a lot. I think my life can relate to my main character, Scout.